About the Author
I am Gretchen Collins, a novelist writing mostly psychological thrillers and suspenseful why-dunits. Hello there and welcome! Thank you for taking the effort to search me out.
I, perhaps like you, have always liked a good mystery. As a kid I watched MathNet on PBS and Murder She Wrote. And I can still perfectly hear Edward Gorey’s bound woman cry out for help while draped over a wall during the intro to Masterpiece’s Mystery! My first reading obsession was the alphabet series by Sue Grafton. I started reading them as an impressionable fifth grader.
I also might have a natural predilection toward the vaguely macabre. On childhood vacations, my parents would often take us to the town cemetery to wander. I once declared that we should “dig ’em up to see what they look like.” (To be clear, I’m pretty sure at that age I thought I would see cool old-timey dresses and important-enough-to-be-buried-with jewels. And yes, maybe a grizzly bullet hole or some broken bones too.)
And now as a grown-up, my favorite reads are twisty thrillers, suspenseful who-dunits, and gripping psychological dramas. I listen to true-crime and history podcasts (especially when they delve deep into mysteries and motives). And I even sometimes indulge in those campy true-crime “documentaries” that no streaming service can resist.
It might surprise you to know I lead a mostly charmed life. Have a fairly optimistic view of the world. A sunny disposition and a punny sense of humor.I guess I have not followed that age-old advice: write what you know. In my case, I suppose I write what I imagine.
Because I picture the mysterious all over the place. Strangers on the street must have deep secrets they carry with them. Houses that are dark too late into the morning must hold an equally dark past within. That relative no one can remember but whose name is written down in the family Bible? They must have been forgotten on purpose. Why?
Writing these imaginings down for others to read — for you! — is a joy. I get to indulge my fantasies to the extreme. Terminal might be my first published work, but it won’t be my last. I have loads of compelling stories and troubled characters and wacky twists just itching to be bound on the page. When I’m not playing board games with my kids or hiking in the mountains with my husband and dog, I’ll be working on the next project.
Check back here, or on my Instagram or Facebook accounts, to see when I have something new for you. Better yet, sign up for my newsletter and I’ll keep you in the know about upcoming releases (and more!).